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publicado el 21/06/2022

New regulation of fines and its relationship with Communal Hygiene in Havana

Interview with Odalis Acosta Montecino, director of Provincial Communal Hygiene of Havana, regarding the Resolution.

What are the elements that this new resolution contributes to the work of communal communities?

“In the current context, this resolution is of vital importance for the community services sector since it helps us organize the environment. Communal services at this time do not have a favorable situation in the city, but we must begin to order the environment. We organize the environment based on this entire group of measures that favor the process and enable communities to better manage solid waste in the capital.

I think that it will also have a social impact for our people, who have always loved cleanliness and order. In many scenarios, the people have expressed themselves in favor of the hygiene of the city and the benefit that it brings to our population. These measures, which will be imposed as of the 20th, also bring us, in addition to the benefits to the people, benefits to our workers and oblige us to be consistent with the activity we carry out.

There is a subsection in the decree that is applicable to those who do not also pick up the garbage, to those who are not capable of keeping it clean and with adequate hygienic conditions in the area for which they are responsible, will also be fined, which is not only fine our population.

For a long time we have been suffering from a level of disciplinary measures to be able to order the areas where we transit, where the population enjoys, whether through housing as state centers, in our parks, etc.

Today the decree for mistreatment of containers will be applied, this is something that our population has been demanding for a long time because after the containers mistreat us we lack these deposits in certain places; what gives the fret a level of garbage that goes to the floor and represents the disorder and rot, the bad smell, which is something that has brought many complaints from our own population. I believe that it is a time when we can order, that we can apply this group of measures that will benefit our population above all things.”

Aspects to highlight of this regulation…

  • Resolution 87, which will be put into effect as of June 20, will be of vital importance for the community services sector since it enriches the daytime regulations for communal hygiene in Havana.
  • This regulation in subsection B establishes the hours where the population can deposit the waste, it will be between 6:00 and 10:00 p.m. so that communities can start collecting it from 10:00 p.m. and if they incur in this indiscipline, an amount that is in correspondence with the violation of these schedules.


  • The amounts that will be applicable in the resolution itself range from two hundred fifty pesos to six thousand five hundred pesos according to the characteristics of the violations that are established in each of the measures.
  • This resolution applies measures to the person or legal entity that incurs in this violation on the mistreatment of containers that are also of vital importance for the sustainability and proper collection of solid waste in Havana.

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