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publicado el 14/06/2022

Ernesto Che Guevara: always present in the heart of the people

Patrimony of America and of the world more than of the specific country where he was born, lived or fought, he continues to be a source of motivation and teaching for the transcendence of his life as well as for the significance and validity of the principles that he exposed in letters, speeches, journalistic works, conferences and in their diaries.

Born in the city of Rosario, Argentina, on June 14, 1928, he felt, above all, a son of the great Latin American homeland, and as such - as he himself pointed out - he was willing to give his life for the liberation of any of the countries of the continent without asking anyone for anything, without demanding anything, without exploiting anyone.

He was a man whose performance was always matched by deep motivation.

Being very young, in the tours that he made through his native country and others in Latin America, he came into contact with humble men and women and put his knowledge at their service. He later understood that with the isolated effort of an individual it was impossible to transform the terrible reality suffered by the people, and that in order to cure the evil that weighed down the lives of millions of forgotten and exploited human beings, it was necessary to make a revolution.

Attentive to the heartbeat of events in Latin America, one day he decided to go to Guatemala.

There he lived, in 1954, the unique experience of seeing how reactionary elements, with the use of force and with the support of the United States, caused the overthrow of a progressive government.

So he had to leave this country and move to Mexico, where he met again with a young Cuban revolutionary he had met in Guatemala, and through him he came into contact with Fidel Castro, who in July 1955 had arrived in the Mexican capital with the objective of reorganizing the revolutionary movement that he headed with a view to resuming the liberation struggle in Cuba.

Che Guevara on November 25, 1956 was part of the group of 82 expeditionaries led by Fidel Castro who left for Cuba aboard the small yacht Granma.

He landed in the southeastern part of Cuban territory, near Las Coloradas Beach on December 2 and three days later received his baptism of fire in Cuba when the soldiers of the Batista dictatorship attacked the revolutionary combatants in Alegrías de Pio.

Che in later days was one of the few combatants who managed to regroup with Fidel. Even in the midst of extremely difficult conditions, with a very small number of combatants and weapons, he also confirmed his decision to continue the fight.

Between 1957 and 1958 Che Guevara stood out as a combatant and as one of the most capable leaders of the rebel troops. He was even the first of the members of the Rebel Army to whom Fidel granted the rank of Commander and was also head of the invading Column number 8 "Ciro Redondo" that left the Sierra Maestra and arrived in the then central province of Las Villas. where also between the end of October and December 1958 he carried out important actions, such as the battle of Santa Clara and also carried out significant political work.

After the popular victory of January 1, 1959, Che Guevara became one of the most beloved leaders of the Cuban Revolution, and was also capable of, in addition to his work within the Armed Forces, successfully carrying out various responsibilities , such as head of the Industrialization Department of the National Institute of Agrarian Reform, President of the National Bank of Cuba and Minister of Industries, respectively.

He was also a member of the National Directorate of Integrated Revolutionary Organizations (ORI) and the United Party of the Socialist Revolution of Cuba.

Che represented Cuba with dignity in several international events and spoke, among other places, before the General Assembly of the United Nations Organization.

Consistent with his principles, he also gave, as an internationalist fighter, his contribution to the liberation struggle of other peoples, first on the African continent and then in Bolivia where he fought his last fight on October 8, 1967.

When he was wounded and his weapon was disabled, he was taken prisoner and was killed the next day.

His image and his name penetrated in an essential way, in the hearts of Cubans and of many men and women in the world. His daily attitude, simplicity, sensitivity and ability made him worthy of that affection and respect

Regarding Che Guevara, Fidel exposed considerations in different speeches that he gave, in a very special way in the solemn evening held in the Plaza de la Revolución "José Martí", in Havana, on October 18, 1967.

On that occasion, he highlighted: “Che did not fall defending another interest, defending another cause than the cause of the exploited and the oppressed in this continent; Che did not fall defending a cause other than the cause of the poor and humble of this Earth.”

And he also assured: “and before history, the men who act like him, the men who do everything and give everything for the cause of the humble, each day that passes they grow bigger, each day that passes they delve deeper into the hearts of the peoples.


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