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publicado el 20/10/2021

A strategy that is here to stay in Havana´s neighborhoods

During the tour-already a regular part of the agenda of the First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba and member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba-Luis Antonio Torres Iríbar –he exchanged with residents of the Parajon neighborhood, the largest in the municipality of Boyeros, which allowed him to learn about the satisfactions and difficulties of the local population with respect to the poor condition of the access roads to that locality where the resident neighbors have been favored with the granting of housing by the State(late 60´s)when the heroine Celia Sánchez Manduley founded this neighborhood to settle the families established in the area that were part of the construction project of Lenin Park with workers inserted in the gigantic work.

In the doctor´s office of Parajon, in the municipality of Boyeros, Torres Iríbar stressed out the importance of preserve this step in public safety and its confrontation with Covid-19.

Torres Iríbar received details on the works being carried out to rebuild the Escuela Secundaria Basica Urbana(ESBU)Rebelion de los Vegueros, as well as the layout of a services complex in which an agricultural market, a warehouse and a Family Attention System(SAF)facility, a playground for children, the public lighting system and the water supply (in a low area prone to flooding) are located, the doctor´s office

The advances that are taking place in the El Cuervo transit community, made up of 80 cubicles to house 86 families, a process that includes the provision of favorable conditions for the life of these fellow citizens, as explained Susel Lameré García, first secretary of the municipal PCC committee in Boyeros.

In the case of the ESBU, the importance of stablishing in the program for the reconstruction of neighborhoods a link among the agencies of the Central Administration of the State, as in this case, the Ministry of Industries, specifically the Chemical Group, as well as the participation of non-agricultural and self-employed cooperatives and the Recycling Group, was known.

Lameré informed that in La Esperanza neighborhood, the Electronics Group and Copextel are supporting the project while results are being achieved to benefit the residents of the three transit communities of Miraflores and the Carbó-Servia, which are in the final stage of completion.

Torres Iríbar insisted on enquiring why almost 300 people of these communities are not working when the government, with the support of the Party, checks each action of reconstruction and social benefit, and he oriented to learn the reasons for each case individually, to know how they live and why they refuse to accept the job offers provided by the State.

He emphasized the importance of working in this union between the people and their leaders. ¨We came to observe the labor exercise in the transformation of the neighborhoods. Only when we are united we can become a system of influence in the execution of works that allow us to the solution of accumulated problems that still affect the population.

These actions are here to stay, hence the participation of entities, institutions and agencies of the Central Administration of the State with the support of the Party and the government at highest level of the country and the province. People feel supported and everyone is committed, pointed out the first secretary of the Party in Havana.

In a conversation with Annia Labrado Mariño, director of cadres of the Chemical Industry business group, she praised those involved in doing things well in reference to the need to adjust investment programs, accounting and security of contracts.

When we act on what belongs to everyone, social satisfaction is generated. The warehouses and markets are part of these actions, including the home of the most vulnerable people, Torres Iríbar stressed out.

In an exchange with the population, he listened to the needs to solve the asphalt of the access roads and the public telephony. In this sense, he explained that it is not possible to solve all the problems in a single period of time, but this program in the neighborhoods is here to stay and will contribute to provide a solution to many of the former problems that still affect them, benefitting the inhabitants of these communities with endurable works. We are working in a situation of limited resources due to the blockade imposed by the United States government with 243 new genocidal measures, but we are moving forward.

In the Pogolotti Finlay Belen People´s Council, the delegation, which included the presence of the Governor of Havana, Reinaldo GARCÍA Zapata, received a debrief from the Secretary of the municipal Committee of the PCC in Marianao, Ernesto Sayas Hernández, regarding the works that will benefit more than 500 families in El Husillo neighborhood, where the construction of houses is programmed and actions are being carried out to improve the water supply from a seven-kilometer pipeline.

The institutions in the neighborhood must have an active participation with the demands of the people, in the incentive of local production and the essential services to guarantee vitality, pointed out Torres Iríbar when he added the words of Idania Armenteros Pereira, municipal coordinator of the Committees for the Defense of the Revolution(CDR) and of the community leader Estrella Robert Juztiz, founder of the first CDR in the area.

Margarita Castellón Ruiz, municipal director of Housing in Marianao, highlighted the collaboration of the Transimport Company, which is involved in supporting schools, warehouses, doctor´s offices and homes for the elderly in the People´s Council of Pocito-Palmar and Zamora-Coco Solo.

Source: Radio Metropolitana with information provided by Tribuna de la Habana

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