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publicado el 13/06/2022

National Boating Safety Week starts this Monday

From this Monday the 13th and until next Saturday, the National Nautical Safety Week will take place in locations on the Malecón and the Bay of Havana, the Ministry of the Interior reported.

According to the Cuban News Agency, the official note from the agency specified that during those days there will be demonstrative search and rescue exercises, with the use of naval units from the Border Guard Troops, the Revolutionary Navy and vessels from other agencies of the Central Administration. of the State.

He announced that the activities will conclude with a nautical parade on the north coast of the capital, where the first ones took place in 2021.

According to the same source, its objectives are aimed at contributing to raising the maritime awareness of the population, which helps to guarantee safe navigation in the face of an increase in maritime traffic and in avoiding deplorable events at sea.

They are even related to anniversaries of events of national and international relevance, including the 40th of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea and the 60th of the founding of Civil Defense, on July 31st.

Also on the 10th of the promulgation of the Navigation Law of the Republic of Cuba, on the 5th of the creation of its Maritime Administration and on the 60th of the Border Guard Troops.

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