
Rating 4 - Votos (1)

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publicado el 26/01/2022

Coppelia Ice Cream Parlor returns to normal operation


As of Wednesday,  January 26,  the unit will no longer require reservations to access its services. The reservation to access the services of the Coppelia ice cream parlor, located at 23rd and L, Plaza de la Revolución municipality, will be eliminated.

With this, the unit returns to its usual operation, according to information provided by Julio Martínez Roque, coordinator of Government Programs Objectives in Havana, who intervened in the meeting of the Temporary Working Group in the city.

The ice cream parlor reopened its doors last September -after remaining closed due to the epidemiological situation in Cuba- through the alternative of telephone reservation and with a capacity reduced to 50 percent.


Maintaining sanitary measures

In other issues discussed at the meeting, the provincial director of Public Health, Dr. Emilio Delgado Iznaga, pointed out that 100 of the 106 cases reported this day are autochthonous.

Dr. Yadira Olivera Nodarse, director of the Provincial Center of Hygiene, Epidemiology and Microbiology (CPHEM), reaffirmed the need to strengthen compliance with sanitary measures and extend the development of vaccination among students to ensure the continuity of the school year.

In this regard, Dr. Nilda Roca Menéndez, deputy general director of the Provincial Directorate of Public Health, explained that at the close of December one million 600 thousand people in the city had completed the vaccination schedule.

Source: Tribuna La Habana

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3 comments inserted

Mar dijo:

Por favor,actualicen por alguna via las tiendas en mlc. Uno llega al lugar pensando q es en cup y se encuentra q es en mlc. Hay algun lugar donde se pueda hacer la consulta. Gracias

26/01/2022 10:38 am / RESPONDER

Carlos Alberto Suárez Leyva dijo:

Nunca mas, nunca, deben tomarse desiciones tan poco acertada como esta. Privamos a muchos niños y mayores de entrar a este lugar tan necesario y que la mayoria disfruta. Ahora nos corresponde velar por el tema de sus precios y las normas a servir, algunos de los que visitan a simple vista se percatan de la falta de norma. Un llamado de atencion oportuno no hara pasar malos momentos al que acuda a esta instalacion. Se debe eliminar criterios que con multas e inspecciones resolveremos problemas (alli hay administracion, militancia, combatientes, que deben proteger a nuestro pueblo).

26/01/2022 12:02 pm / RESPONDER

Ramón Padron dijo:

Ante todo mis saludos y respeto es una gran y magnifica alterna tiva del gobierno abrir este centro ro de gran acogida del publico ha banero siempre y cuando toman do las medidas hgienca sanitaria y bueno que las personas que visi ten el lugar tanto cubanas como extranjeras sean bastante discipli nadas gracias.

28/01/2022 06:00 am / RESPONDER