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publicado el 27/10/2021

Course The Venetian Sacred Splendor will be developed

This October 25th, 2021 it will start in the virtual modality the course The Venetian Sacred Splendor  , by Maestro Francesco Vittorio Grigolo and Dr. Alberto Sanna. As part of theses activities of High Musical Education, a module of ten virtual clases will be developed for Cuban and Central American students.

The initiative was coordinated by the Esteban Salas Musical Heritage Office of the Office of the Historian of the City(OHCH) and the San Gerónimo University College of Havana in framework of the International Cooperation Project ¨Strengthening of the conservation capacities of the Cuban musical  heritage and support to the network through the rescue of the the ancient techniques of preserving of paper and stone¨ that is developed by the OHCH and the Italian-Latin American Organization(ILA) with financing from the government of Italy.

The objectives of the course, which will run until November 22nd, include getting to know the main theoretical resources that compose the interpretative criteria of Italian music, and interpreting the different types of repertoires in correspondence with the functionality of the music and analyzing the specific characteristics from both a theoretical and purely interpretative perspective.

Source: Habana Radio

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