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publicado el 09/06/2021

Offices of the Exchange House of Cuba in Havana Diversifies its Services

The office of the Exchange House of Cuba (CADECA) in Havana has developed a series of actions to commemorate its 27th anniversary next June 14th. Some of these actions are donations to foster homes and blood donations.

The provincial director of this institution Nilber Acuña Aguilar pointed out that they are represented in 12 municipalities, having 35 offices, and that they are currently redesigning some operations.

“We are currently explaining to all of our customers that there are other operations that may result appealing according to what our country’s leaders relate to linking. We call it service linking”.

He highlighted the work done by the Cuban Postal Company (Correos de Cuba) in this respect. They provided a place in their areas for the implementation of CADECA’s services, which had a great reception form the customers.

CADECA in Havana for more services.

The director pointed out that in Havana, there are other procedures beside those with state institutions. These are known as deposits to third parties.

“Which is a very economically suitable operation because it gives institutions the opportunity to move the money they earned for their services during the day to their income accounts for a small fee”.

They are also working in other new procedures like the payment to retirees and new alliances with the Viajeros Company, which belongs to the Ministry of Transportation.

CADECA in Havana is also working in two new procedures that will be added to the set of services offered in the territory. One of these is the sale of pre-payment cards for fuel and the ETECSA pre-payment cards.

Source: Radio Rebelde

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