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publicado el 11/05/2021

There Is a Call for Participation in a Virtual Colloquium about José Martí

The scientific program for the colloquium, which will open session online this week’s Wednesday and Friday will gather several scholars from Argentina, Mexico, and Cuba, and will also become the ideal space for debating and analyzing diverse points related to our National Apostol’s anti-imperialist thinking.

The Cuban Center for the Study of José Martí (Centro Nacional de Estudios Martianos de Cuba) made a call for participation in the International Colloquium named The United States in Marti’s Eyes, which will take place virtually this week’s Wednesday and Friday.

The colloquium’s main lectures are focused on Martí’s life and work, as well as in the history and culture of the United States. These lectures will deal with the time the Maestro lived in the United States, which was one of the most prolific and creative for his politic and literary work.

The Colloquium becomes an ideal space for debating and analyzing diverse points related to José Martí’s anti-imperialist thinking, being deeply rooted. It also commemorates the 130th anniversary of the essay Nuestra América.

On the other hand, the scientific program will gather, in a virtual manner, several scholars form Argentina, Mexico, and the host country. It also highlights the participation of researchers like Eduardo Torres Cuevas, Pedro Pablo Rodríguez López, and Carmen Suárez Leon, form Cuba; and Carlos Eduardo Bojórquez from the Universidad de Oriente in Yucatan, Mexico.

This meeting is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Cuban poet and intellectual Cintio Vitier, and the 200th of the Rafael María de Mendive’s birth, who was a teacher and friend of our national hero.

From his “watchtower” in New York, Martí would fight his most important battles and would write many texts that were ahead of his time, and even ahead of ours, said the Cuban institution in a press release.

This theoretical event will take place as part of the homage to the 126th anniversary of our National Apostol’s death in combat, also counting with the support of José Martí Program Office and its System of José Martí Related Institutions.

Source: Radio Metropolitana

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