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Fecha: 22/04/1980

Poet and Cuban cinema critic Roberto Branly died.

His work was worthy of study and criticism. He was among the founders of the Cine Club of the Nuestro Tiempo Cultural Society, which brought together a group of Cuban intellectual renovators from the 1950s. He was also among the executive members of the Cuban Cinematheque in its first stage, which explains his interest and knowledge of the Seventh Art. At the triumph of the Revolution, he directed the "New Generation" cultural page of the Revolution newspaper.

Nuestro Tiempo Cultural Society

In 1950, a group of young professors and students got together, with the purpose of creating an institution that would help spread “cultured” music but from the beginning, due to the more general concerns its organizers had, it exceeded that initial purpose as not only musicians attended the gatherings, but also creators of other artistic manifestations. This is how the Nuestro Tiempo Cultural Society was born, whose inaugural act was held on March 10, 1951 and was chaired by the composer Harold Gramatges.

Cuban Cinematheque

It was founded on February 6, 1960, as an institution that emerged under the auspices of the Cuban Institute of Cinematographic Art and Industry (ICAIC). Since its inception, it has worked to maintain a stable archive that cares for and disseminates the Cuban film heritage. It is one of the largest filmographic heritage in our geographic area and has maintained a close collaboration with other institutions of its kind in various parts of the world.


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