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Fecha: 22/04/1972

Opening of Lenin Park

This big recreation park was opened on the outskirts of Havana as a tribute to Vladimir Ilich Lenin. On an area close to 800 hectares, radiant in the green splendor of turf and the forest, adorned with polychrome cultural, sports, recreational and gastronomic facilities, this park constitutes the largest center of its kind in the country.It is located in the  Arroyo Naranjo municipality, Havana.

Vladimir Ilich Lenin

Lenin was a Russian revolutionary, Bolshevik leader, communist politician, main leader of the October Revolution and first leader of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the first workers’ and peasants' state. He authored a theoretical and practical set based on Marxism known as Leninism and later called Marxism-Leninism.

Arroyo Naranjo

It is one of the 15 municipalities in the province of Havana. It is located in the south center of the province. It has an area of eighty-three point three square kilometers and in its territory there are institutions of great relevance, such as Lenin Park, the National Botanical Garden and the Permanent Exhibition of the Republic of Cuba, EXPOCUBA.

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