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Fecha: 21/04/1876

Ismael A. Clark Mascaró was born in the town of Regla, Havana.

A Doctor in Dental Surgery, professor, journalist and writer, Dr. Clark Mascaró was chosen as the first Emeritus Professor of the Faculty of Dentistry of the University of Havana. The design of the emblem of Cuban stomatology was due to his initiative. He died in Havana on December 21, 1964. He left an extensive unpublished work, including the complete format of a Dictionary of medical-stomatological terms.


The settlement established in 1867 with the autochthonous name of Guaicanamar, which means "facing the sea", it was later called as (Our Lady of Regla). Currently, Regla is one of the peripheral municipalities of the province of Havana, with an area of nine point two square kilometers. It has two compact urban settlements, formed by the communities of Regla and Casablanca, both very well-defined perimeter.

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