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publicado el 07/04/2021

The Creando mi Semillero Contest

Commemorating the 5th of July, (the World Environment Day) the Civil Society for Heritage, Community and Environment, and the Master Plan of the Office of the Historian of Havana make a call for participation for this Creando mi Semillero Contest (Creating my Seedbed)

In this contest, which is celebrated since 2009, children and teenagers below the age 15 years old can participate virtually for the first time. The goals are: to foster the love of nature in children, and to promote a feeling of belonging to the community, increasing the amount of vegetation and biological diversity in the territory.

According to Marta Oneida Pérez Cortés, President of the Civil Society for Heritage, Community and Environment, the children and teenagers who intend to participate must enroll via WhatsApp, to the number 53256298, or by joining the group at:

Since July 4th, a workshop will take place on WhatsApp, having as a main topic homemade seedbeds and ideas to make them with recycled materials; Planting for your market, Composting, fertilizing earthworms, nutrients, watering, and auto-watering, along with many other interesting things to learn. The contest’s deadline will be June 5th, 2021.

Heritage, Community and Environment is a non-profit society of civil nature, which gathers individuals and legal entities, foreign and national, all of them interested in the preservation, restoration, management, development, and promotion of the historical, architectural, and cultural heritage of Havana City, as well as the environmental and community issues in this territory.

This society’s mission is to cooperate with any initiative that fosters the project for sociocultural rehabilitation and revitalization of Havana City, which started in its Historical Center and takes place in the rest of the Conservation Priority Area determined by the Office of the Historian. It also contributes to the planning and management mechanisms that make this work possible, promoting it at a national and international level. In order to achieve its goal, this society manages, coordinates, and implements projects of diverse nature, relating them to their three major action fields: heritage, community, and environment.

Source: Tribuna La Habana

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