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Fecha: 18/04/1965

Revolutionary César Escalante dies in Havana

A communist leader, he dedicated his entire life to the cause of national liberation and socialism. In addition, he fought for the sugar workers in the Güines region, present-day Mayabeque province, participating in strike movements. After the revolutionary triumph, he was appointed to important responsibilities, among others, the organization of the Revolutionary National Militias, in whose ranks he fought against the mercenary invasion that landed at Playa Girón in April 1961. He also served as leader of the then United Revolutionary Party. Socialist of Cuba, antecedent of the current Communist Party of Cuba.

Playa Girón

Playa Girón is located 205 kilometers from Havana, 147 km from Varadero, 88 km from Cienfuegos and 62 km from the National Highway, in the Ciénaga de Zapata (Zapata swamp) municipality in the southern part of the Matanzas province. It has a one-kilometer-long artificial beach, separated from the shore by a wall or boardwalk. A natural beach about 200 meters long is located at the left end of this boardwalk.

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