
Amount of key words: 965

It has an agricultural surface of more than 270 thousand hectares which allow it to produce food to assure its demands and supports the capital of the country. It has a population of more than 500 thousand inhabitants and a surface of more than 4 thousand kilometers.

This Cuban province existed since 1689 as a Department of the colony General Captaincy of Cuba. The territory of las Villas is part of some new provinces like Cienfuegos, Villa Clara, Sancti Spíritus and Ciego de Ávila; since the restructure of the geo -administrative system of the Republic of Cuba in 1976. The area of Ciénaga de Zapata was administered by the province of Matanzas.   

It is one of the youngest Cuban provinces that emerged as of January 9, 2011. The provincial capital is San José de Las Lajas. Along with the provinces of Havana, Camagüey and Guantánamo, it has a name of aboriginal origin, which reinforces the Cuban cultural tradition.


Known as the Blue Village of the Mills, Puerto Padre is located in the northern part of the province of Las Tunas. It is the head town of the municipality of the same name and has an area of 1,180.23 square kilometers. It is the largest and second in population in the territory of Las Tunas.


It is currently a Popular Council of the municipality of La Lisa, in the province of Havana.


It is a musical group founded on October 4, 2001 by pianist and composer César Pedroso. With a personal seal the orchestra creates a different treatment in the tumbaos, achieving a new style of Timba. The project was formed by musicians who were still studying at the Instituto Superior de Arte (ISA) and others coming from different orchestras, most of them young and talented.