
Amount of key words: 965

It was founded on June 6th, 1970. It is the publication of the Central de Trabajadores de Cuba with a weekly newspaper. It has a digital version with added contents to the ones printed.

It is located in the area known as Playas del Este, in the current municipality of Habana del Este. It is located on the north coast of the province of Havana, between the Boca Ciega and Veneciana beaches. It has white sands and coconut palms. The beach season for Cubans begins in June and ends at the beginning of November, although normally this beach is very visited almost all year round, because Cuba is considered an eternal summer due to its weather.


Playa Girón is located 205 kilometers from Havana, 147 km from Varadero, 88 km from Cienfuegos and 62 km from the National Highway, in the Ciénaga de Zapata (Zapata swamp) municipality in the southern part of the Matanzas province. It has a one-kilometer-long artificial beach, separated from the shore by a wall or boardwalk. A natural beach about 200 meters long is located at the left end of this boardwalk.