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Fecha: 02/05/1957

Carlos Enríquez Galope died in Havana.

He was part of a group of  Cuban painters who around the year 1925 broke with all the academic style to create a new one. In 1939, after having obtained a small inheritance from his father´s side, he  became the owner of a land in Párraga municipality in Havana, where he built a wooden house which he surrounded by trips. At present, there is the Museo Huròn  Azul exhibition center.


It is a Popular Council that belongs to Arroyo Naranjo municipality in Havana province. It can be said that it was conformed by several farms, which started to be populated in the 20th decade of the 20th Century from all the land divisions that were made. This comprises La Esperanza, Porvenir, Los Mameyes, Montejo y Párraga towns. This last has the largest area. For this reason the population has adopted other names to be more specific in delimiting small areas like  Los Mangos, El Paradero, El Sucu Sucu, y la Curva.

 Hurón Azul Museum

This museum was opened to the public on May 21, 1987. It is located in the former house and workshop of Cuban painter and novelist Carlos Antonio Esteban Enríquez Galope Gómez,  artistically known as  Carlos Enríquez.  The house,  located in the town of Párraga, was built in the year 1939.  He added elements of our colonial architecture such as half point and the grille with lyre motif.  This museum is named after a  ferret which  he hammered on his  residence main door.  This was dyed blue to harmonize with the color of doors and windows.

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